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Here we will update you on our activities this year!


Posters: Poster will be made weekly to decorate lockers and stalls at the rink. Posters are also hung in the hallways of he school to raise awarness for games. Players will be assigned soon



Cookies: We made cookies in the foods room using cream and cookies (Oreos) covered in chocolate to look like "hockey pucks". These will be sold frequently in the hallways. 
Snacks: The club uses a portion of the money raised to purchase food for the players. These are handed out before every home game. 


Locker Rooms: We decorate the locker rooms at the local rink on game days. To decorate you must follow basic rules and behave! Only a few will be selected for this task due to space.


Team Bonding: Nobody wants to sit in a circle and get to know eachother (we do that enough in school). But we will do some activities as a group ex: lazertag or tailgates


Banners: New members will most likley take up this job. It is important that we get the word out to the school so that we can have a larger cheering section at games. 


Games: Being a hotshot we are able to get into games for a discounted price. Our home rink is the OMB Arena (IceLand USA) on Royalton Road in sStrongsville. At games you must abide by the rink's rules. And dress accordingly (it is an ICE rink)
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